How much does it cost?
The cost to register for Fall and Spring Intramural is $175 per season. Winter clinic $199.
How many seasons are there?
Little Neck Douglaston Soccer Club offers two intramural seasons, fall and spring.
How old the kids must to be to participate in Intramural Soccer?
The kids must be 4 to 13 years old to be part Intramural Soccer.
How do I sign up for an intramural soccer?
In order to sign up for you must click on the link posted on the main page and create an account. Once your account is created please add your kids and register them with our club.
Do we have to provide our own equipment?
Yes. For your child's safety, cleats are recommended. You will also need a ball and shin guards. Your child will not be allowed to participate if he/she does not have shin guards and safe footwear.
Where do we get the uniform?
The club sells the reversible jersey with black shorts and socks for 50 dollars. This uniform must be at every game.
When does the Intramural season start?
Fall session starts in September and spring session starts in April.
How long does each season last?
Intramural soccer session last for nine games and are played on Saturdays. During the week there is one divisional practice and one pre developmental practice.
What is pre developmental practice?
A pre developmental practice has been created for kids that love the game and are willing to get to a higher level. The age group for this session starts at 7 years old. Everyone is welcome to participate but be advice that it will be more intense than a regular divisional practice.
Is there another fee for the developmental session?
Yes. There is a 125 dollar fee to pay the trainer that runs the practice.
What time do Intramural practices/games start?
For more information, check our Intramural page. Your child's coach will let you know 1-2 weeks before the season regarding when and where the first scheduled session will be held.
When will we know what team my child has been assigned to?
The parent/guardian of each player should receive an e-mail from the child’s coach letting them know what team the player is on, the schedule and location for training/games, and what equipment to bring. If you have not heard from a coach by 1 week prior to the start of the season, please contact check our website to see what team your child has been placed in.
I have a problem with my son's coach. Who can I talk to about this?
We always recommend first talking to the coach directly (but please not during the practice, scrimmage, or after-game wrap-up). Coaches want to know your concerns before they become problems. Please just ask the coach when a good time to talk would be.
All our coaches volunteer their time and energy to help make your child's soccer experience extremely positive. However, we understand disagreements and misunderstandings sometimes arise. While coaches have a great deal of flexibility in implementing their practices, they are also bound by the club's policies and rules.
What equipment do I need to buy?
Players are required to wear shin guards and to bring an appropriately sized soccer ball and cold drink to each practice. The U6 and U8 kids use a size 3 ball; the U10 and U12 kids use a size 4 ball;
leats are required. You can also order online through the link on our web site (our club receives a portion of any purchases made through this link).We recommend parents not spend too much on equipment (comfort is more important!) Kids quickly outgrow shin guards and cleats and often lose soccer balls (please have your child write his name on the ball).
Do we play if it rains?
Soccer is an all-weather sport. Decisions about cancellations for intramural games will be made by the Club. Once a decision has been made that games are cancelled, an email will be sent out to all registrants and a posting will be made to the website. If there is no email or posting, then there are is no cancellation.