Mission Statement/Purpose
The mission of Little Neck Soccer Club is to provide instructional and competitive youth soccer opportunities that enhance character, community and love of the game of soccer. Integrated in this is the building of self-esteem, self-confidence, teamwork, respect for self and others, and all the inherent benefits of physical exercise. Our travel teams for the most part play in the Long Island Junior Soccer League.
The goal of Little Neck Soccer Club Travel Program is to provide an enjoyable atmosphere where each player can be challenged and develop their technical skills but also develop a love for the game of soccer.
Little Neck Soccer Club Travel Program is designed to support and guide players who wish to make the transition from Intramural program to competitive soccer. The program is designed for that Intramural player who has a strong desire to increase those technical skills while also learning more about the tactical aspects of the game.
The most important aspect of Little Neck Soccer Club Travel Program is training. Technical and tactical training is provided 2 times per week, in 1.5-hour sessions by our trainers (All team practices are mandatory).
If you need information about a specific team, please contact the coach directly or submit a try out request. For general information about our travel program, contact us.