On behalf of all the volunteering coaches, we would like to welcome you, your son and daughters to the upcoming season. We are all looking forward to another great fun season.
Here are a couple of logistical items to mention so that we can ensure a successful season:
- This season starts Saturday (3/28) and continues until June 13th. We won't have games on Saturday April 4th (Easter) and May 23rd (Memorial Day).
- We will have our weekly practices at the field. Please check with your coaches on the days your division practices. You can also check on our website at the following link Practice Schedule. The first practices will start the week of March 30th.
- The rosters for the teams are now posted on our website.
- The games will be played on Saturday mornings. Click to view the Game Schedule.
- We ask that all children arrive at the fields 20 minutes prior to the scheduled game time. Having players arrive 5,10,15 minutes late really takes away from the game day experience and makes it more difficult for the coaches to manage.
- It is each division's responsibility this season to retrieve the goals from the equipment sheds and set them up. The expectation is that all will help with this task throughout the season. This is not the responsibilities of the coaches. We have volunteered to coach and can't coach if we are setting up goals.
- In the event of a weather issue, the coaches will use our email distribution to communicate any practice cancellations. We try to give a couple hours’ notice while giving Mother Nature every chance to cooperate.
- Players who need uniforms can pick them up at the clubhouse on Wednesday evening between 7 PM and 9 PM.
- We ask that all children bring a ball to practice so that the coaches can work on ball handling drills with them.
- All children are required to wear shin guards and cleats on both game days and at practice for their safety. Children without shin guards or cleats will not be allowed to play.
- If you need to purchase soccer equipment or anything for Modell's please use this Coupon at Modell's to get 15% discount. You can give it to anyone that shops at Modell's.
- Some Divisions are still looking for coaches and assistant coaches. Please contact the division head if you would like to volunteer.
Thank you for being part of our growing family.
Little Neck Douglaston Youth Club